Preferred Vendors

Professionals Elite Vendors

These are our elite vendors from extensive past experience in joint projects. They represent our highest recommendation in their profession. They are our elite go to professionals for all our projects. It is a narrow list as we are critical in our recommendations; if you are looking for least expensive, look elsewhere. These professionals offer top quality services for appropriate and fair prices.

Please use the referral code “C.Cawthra” when contacting any of our Elite Preferred Professionals.

Cawthra Construction & Consulting, Inc.

Bert Bejarano, PE
Architecture and Engineering

292 Sussex Circle
Jupiter, FL 33458
(Ph) (561) 741-0167

Cawthra Construction & Consulting, Inc.

Guy Pelletier, R.A., LEED AP
Alan Strassler Architects, Inc.

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
E-MAIL: [email protected]
(Ph) (561) 627-0336

Cawthra Construction & Consulting, Inc.

Georgie Skover, CKD/CBD
GLS Design
Kitchen and Bath Planning and Design
(Ph) (561) 312-5154

Cawthra Construction & Consulting, Inc.

The Finishing Touch Decorating, Inc.
Health Care Interiors

Karen Davis, Owner/President
12 Cambria Rd.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(C) (561) 371-4085

Cawthra Construction & Consulting, Inc.
[Mold Remediation]

US Mold, Inc.
Mike Fadell
612 N Orange Ave Ste A4
Jupiter, FL 33458
(Ph) (561) 748-2223